The series is primarily set in Tokyo. Ryoma Echizen, a tennis prodigy, attends Seishun Academy, or Seigaku for short, a private school famous for its strong tennis club and talented players. Ryoma quickly defeats numerous upperclassmen shortly after entrance to secure himself a spot as one of the team's regulars. In pursuit of their ultimate goal of winning the all-Japan junior high school tennis championship, members of the team make new friends while learning and mastering increasingly complex techniques. Ryoma also begins to develop his own style of tennis, and eventually realizes what the sport really means to him.
There are 178 episodes in total and one movie. The movie showcase Ryoma's stepbrother called Ryoga Echizen. Both of them will meet on a ship where Seigaku Tennis Team have to fight Ryoga's team in order to set themselves free.
My Review: I love the series. It is ALL about tennis with some episodes that are really funny.
1 comment:
Started watching this show! Cant get enough of it! I have already have favorite character! Love it!
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