Set during the end of a fictional nineteenth century on Earth, D.Gray-man mostly centers around 15-year-old Allen Walker, who is gifted with the ability to control a weaponized form of a divine substance from ages past, called Innocence, and becomes an Exorcist of the Black Order. This secretive organization aims to stop the plan set in motion by the Millennium Earl to destroy all life on Earth. But the Earl has raised an army of Akuma, created by taking advantage of grief over a loved one's death, and summoned the direct descendants of Noah himself, the 13-strong Noah Clan, to aid him in his second attempt. Because of the Akuma's ability to wear a human's skin, they are nearly undetectable by any human. Allen proves to be a powerful asset as his 'cursed' left eye is able to detect the Akuma.
There are 103 episodes in total.
My Review: Because it is a show where there is a lot of fighting going on, there are some gross scenes (When the akuma appears or dies). There are some funny episodes. The show gets very exciting from episode 60+ onwards. Overall it is worth watching =)
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